Gesture (70 degrees East), New Day Rising
Various interventions and gestures contribute to a ‘narrative of place’ where authorship both expands and narrative is sometimes disrupted. Intervening in the physicality of ‘M Shed’ responds to the site of the Queen Victoria Market via co-opting the grid, a device in the demarcation of (cemetery) space and colonial tool in the ‘making’ of Melbourne.
Orientating the east–west grid of the QVM itself (here a mark of colonial Christian perspective) to that of the Land activates the site in a manner which acknowledges both a deeper history and those denied customary practice and culture. This figurative gesture manifests in the physicality of site, the activation occurring through light, shadow and the perpetual rhythms of nature. [Steven Rhall 2016]
________________________________________Orientating the east–west grid of the QVM itself (here a mark of colonial Christian perspective) to that of the Land activates the site in a manner which acknowledges both a deeper history and those denied customary practice and culture. This figurative gesture manifests in the physicality of site, the activation occurring through light, shadow and the perpetual rhythms of nature. [Steven Rhall 2016]
2016 – Site responsive
This work was commissioned by Public Art Melbourne as part of the 2016 Biennial Lab and stood on site for a duration of 10 months. The top image documents part of 'Performance Event,' a collaborative once off performance work including Hannah Donnelly, Kate Ten Buuren, Sarah Rudledge and Marcel Feillafe.

Top image: courtesy of Brent Edwards
Bottom images: courtesy of Bryony Jackson